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smolov program pdf

Smolov Jr Calculator Enter your one rep max and the week-to-week weight increment you plan on using and the tables below will populate with the weights for you to use throughout the program. So if you intend to go through it, the gains you will reap will be far beyond your expectations. I highly recommend you read my guide on dirty bulking, it will outline EVERYTHING you need to do. Now that I’ve got you hooked, let’s talk about the Smolov Bench Program. It was always tough, but doable. Smolov is a 13 week weightlifting program used to increase your strength in the Back Squat.It is recommended that you complete this routine only if your back squat has reached a plateau.. You’re going to be incredibly tired, your mental strength is going to be tested, and you’re going to have to eat like you’ve never ate before. Surviving Smolov. Learn more about Vigilant and the "mustang gang" here at the About Me section. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This program will tire you out like no other program has before. The official Smolov Bench Program only runs 4 weeks, however- I recommend doing it for 6-8 weeks to see serious results. Each week, depending on how the previous week went, you will add weight according to the table. This isn’t going to be a ‘normal’ program that you’re “hoping” for muscle growth, you’re DEMANDING muscle growth. The squat routine is a strength program broken down into four phases which last for a total of 13 weeks. This program really strains your nervous system and tests everything you’ve ever stood for in life. List of Powerlifting Programs and Routines + Powerbuilding Programs By the completion of the second phase or the Base Mesocycle of this program, your 1RM would have easily gotten up by 30-60 pounds. You have to go in as a SERIOUS powerlifter that wants to grow. As we discussed earlier, the introductory microcycle will prepare your mind and body to go through the brutality of workouts in the coming phases. Simply put, you aren’t going in thinking “I might look good”- you need to be focusing on RAW POWER AND DISCIPLINE. The Smolov squat program is broken into five phases: an introductory microcycle of two weeks, a four-week base cycle, a two-week switching phase, a four-week intense cycle, then a one-week taper before you finally max out. Cult of Strength. I put together a spreadsheet (based off of MEatRHIT’s original Workout2.xls file) that incorporates both of these, with a light bench that allows to test a 1RM on the deload week. 7×[email protected]% + 20 pound increase as compared to week 3. From a hard life of growing up paycheck to paycheck, he somehow took advantage of the opportunity to make himself a stronger person and pushed through to keep on pursuing his career an Emergency Medicine doctor, is currently training to be a firefighter, wrestles, and lifts 2 hours a day all with a full-time job and in college. Let me tell you, this aint going to be easy. The Smolov Bench Program is a tried and tested program that will make your bench grow hundreds in just a few months. Although you would be squatting only thrice a week, but usually you would be squatting with 80-90% of your 1RM. !”- you’re going to have to put on fat to adequately use this program to your advantage. Getting you throughout the program following a more holistic approach. Yes. Over the years I tweaked the program based on my personal usage as well as the results from nearly fifty of my own athletes. The importance of the starting two weeks is to familiarise yourself with the herculean base Mesocycle in which you are required to squat four times a week. It includes a snatch that does not involve any knee dip at all. You then re-test your your 1RM in week 6. This is a great program for anybody that wants to grow their chest and/or bench. The workout protocol that you will be following under this program will be dependent on a certain percentage of your 1 RM. However, if you are stuck at a certain point following this phase, you can decrease the weight by 5% or a little more and continue with the same set and rep scheme. Don’t believe me? Smolov is a 13 week Squat Program that was developed by Sergey Smolov, the Russian Master of Sports. This movement aids in promoting good blood flow, stretching out tighter areas and raising the core temperature. This program is a full body workout plan, which means you’re training your full body during this workout. The cycle was so successful Straker decided to try the full 13-week Smolov cycle later that same year. a record attempt) then this might be the ticket! The infamous Smolov program for squats and Smolov Jr for squat and/or bench press. Ultimately, it just ends up being on what you start out with for your bench. Never overload or over-exhaust your body in this phase. Smolov Jr. Calculator. No more spreadsheets and printouts. Home » Workout Programs » Lift Specific Programs » Smolov Squat Program with Spreadsheets. But when it comes to the Smolov Bench Program, this is NOT a program for a beginner bodybuilder. The big difference is it’s 1/5 as long and not nearly as taxing on your body. You just have to load the bar and descent slowly until the bar finds its base on the preset safety bars and that’s it. The numbers used on this week are calculated from your newest max. For complete details on the 13 week Smolov Squat check out […] Most programs only have you benching 2 times a week, this is going to be very different. After three weeks of hard training using this method, I … Most people use 5 to 10 lbs for the increment value. Smolov: How to Boost Your Squat by Up to 100lb In Only 13 Weeks. It also provides a great motor pattern warm-up before you execute the Smolov squat routine. If you aren’t worried about needing a spot, you’re doing something wrong in this program.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'vekhayn_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',125,'0','0'])); Also, no matter how much of a “bencher” you are- this program will destroy your chest and stabilizer muscles. If you do not know how to do squat negatives and box squats you will also find a … This routine could be brutal but provides you with desirable gains. Selecting weights that do not overexert or under exert yourself. Especially, if you are a professional powerlifter or a weightlifter, its relevance gets enhanced multifold. This will help in releasing lactic acid buildup on one hand and would also prevent injuries on the other.● Don’t include any other lower body compound movement like conventional or sumo deadlifts, front squats or straight-legged deadlifts. FAQs. But if you’re trying to do this program in combination with another program like I was, just do the rest of the program AFTER you do the bench presses. I know this may sound weird, but if you’re not pressing yourself so hard that the 3rd rep isn’t incredibly difficult, you’re not doing it right. The accessory work should just look like a normal bench day in any other program. The weights used on each day are based on your one rep max according to the table below. If you're willing to build these lifts at any cost (e.g. “It just buried me,” said Straker, who has been doing CrossFit The Smolov Bench Program came from the famous Smolov Squat program, which has been advertised as the program that can put 100 lbs on your squat in less than 13 weeks.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'vekhayn_com-box-3','ezslot_10',118,'0','0'])); How many of you would love to put 100 lbs on your squat in just 3 months? Smolov Program and Smolov Jr Bench and Squat Program Spreadsheets. Smolov Jr Calculator Enter your one rep max and the week-to-week weight increment you plan on using and the tables below will populate with the weights for you to use throughout the program. Since completing it, I've been asked a lot of questions on how to get through it. Jonnie Candito Linear Program Spreadsheet. Smolov: How to Boost Your Squat by Up to 100lb In Only 13 Weeks. The overhead squat promotes a better technique than the conventional back squat. You must keep in mind that you don’t have to perform an actual snatch. Live The Vekhayn Life and Be Rich/Independent, How To Prepare For The Smolov Bench Program Like a Real Man. Last updated April 18, 2020 Experience level: Beginner Weeks: 4 Powerlifting meet prep program: No As an affiliate of various sites, including Amazon Associates, I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases via links in this post at no extra cost to you. Do any web search and you’ll find thousands of people commenting about it. The App. The 10-Week Powerlifting Program for Dense, Functional Muscle Blow up your maxes and build dense, function-first muscle with this entry-level, results-driven powerlifting program. If you survive the Smolov squat routine and fancy bringing up your lagging bench, you can return to the trenches for another 4 weeks of war with the iron. increase my squat, and he introduced me to Smolov Junior. It was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline when he published it in a 2001 issue of Powerlifting USA. a record attempt) then this might be the ticket! Doing deep squat jumps during this phase can up your explosiveness. In the base mesocycle, you would be required to Squat four times a week for a period of 3 weeks. They are as follows:-. The amount of weight added each week is subjective. The rst squat program Aaron Straker tried was the three-week Smolov Jr. cycle in March 2014. Now for some explanation… We’re primarily focusing on the glutes during this workout, as you can see by the movements I’ve chosen, which are: glute bridges , clamshells , Superman back squeezes , and even the towel leg curls . The beast that ensued earned the nickname "Srolov" from my lifters. You would be increasing the weight with every workout in the coming weeks of this phase. Smolov is a 13 week Squat Program that was developed by Sergey Smolov, the Russian Master of Sports. Nel 2001 Pavel Tsautsoline porta alla ribalta il programma, nonostante l’ideatore è Sergey Smolov. Stay close to 50%. Most people use 5 to 10 lbs for the increment value. Smolov Junior. The cycle was so successful Straker decided to try the full 13-week Smolov cycle later that same year. You must have surely heard this adage somewhere in your lifting career. Note: every powerlifting program and powerbuilding program below includes an excel spreadsheet and pdf that is free to download. I highly recommend you read my guide on dirty bulking, The 20 Rep Squat Program (GET BIG WITH THE MOST BRUTAL PROGRAM) - Vekhayn. However, it was brought into light by Pavel Tsatsouline who was also referred to as “The Mad Russian”. Smolov is a Russian Squat routine that will boost your Squat by up to 100lb in only 13 weeks, even if you’re a drug-free lifter like me. But when that 10 sets of 3 reps hits on that Friday night, it’s just going to destroy you.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'vekhayn_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',124,'0','0'])); Yeah, I don’t like working out with friends because they do distract your workout most times. There’s just a point where you need recovery time, and here it is. It was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline when he published it in a 2001 issue of Powerlifting USA. The cycle of this routine systematically builds on itself and thereby prepares you for bigger and better gains. Week 9-13 – Intense Mesocycle. I’d also recommend bringing C4 Sport Pre Workout with you to the gym. Programs I’ve recommended like Arnold’s Blueprint to Mass are not for the beginner bodybuilder, they are certainly tough. You will not be facing any ambiguities in your workout sessions. Another difference is Smolov Jr. can be used on other lifts besides the squat and is actually quite commonly used on the bench press. So I’m going to lay it out flat to you.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'vekhayn_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',158,'0','0'])); You can’t go into this program with a ‘bodybuilder’ mindset anymore. How Long Does It Take To Walk 3 Miles On A Treadmill? You will be making a max attempt – New PR. You can read how I increased my 1RM for the squat by 20kg, find summaries of others who have done the program and I compare Smolov to other routines which I have done. Questo allenamento deriva dall’est Europa e trova le sue origini in Russia. The Smolov Squat Routine works for sure. No, not for a long time.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'vekhayn_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',126,'0','0'])); Once you wrap up this program, take a few months off of it. The full Smolov cycle is a brutal 13 week reckoning. This is because our bodies typically hit a supermassive growth spike around the 6-8 week mark that will basically give a huge muscle growth spike, as highlighted in the graph below. The significance of squat specific training can never be underestimated. The brutal squat program that almost guarantees a big PR. This does not lead to any major issues in respect to the form and flexibility of the movement. Full Smolov; Smolov Jr. Smolov Calculators. You will need to recover with incredibly high amounts of protein. Projected gains from Smolov range from 40-100 pounds depending on how advanced you are. List of Powerlifting Programs and Routines + Powerbuilding Programs Here’s what I did for accessory work on my tough Smolov Bench Program days: Then personally, I always worked my back out on my chest days. Yep. This program isn’t for you. And I always had gains. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Originally, it was designed as a program specifically for the squat and has been called the "holy grail" for increasing your strength in the squat. The next two weeks would let you go through dynamic effort squatting. You must predetermine your current 1RM on your squat before you proceed with this program. The Smolov Squat Routine is a weight training program for increasing your squat strength, originating from Russia.It is named after its creator, Sergey Smolov “the Russian Master of Sports”. And you’re going to need those extra calories (even if it puts on fat) to ensure your body has beyond adequate nutrition to recover on such a tough program. This specialized program is named after Sergey Smolov. Surviving the brutality of Smolov Squat Routine can be done by following these basic steps:-● You should reduce your 1RM down by ten percent. I know at first you might think: wow, that looks easy! You can go with a snatch grip long pull x 3-5 reps + a wide grip press behind the neck x 3-5 reps + a squat with the bar on the shoulders x 3-5 reps. In the first week, you will be squatting 3 days in a row. The following points will provide you with the steps you will follow to get a proper warm-up while doing the long-pull. It helps us keep the lights on. It is named after its creator, Sergey Smolov “the Russian Master of Sports”. It is further divided into 5 different phases. Just so you know, Dr Workout is reader-supported. Smolov Introductory Microcycle (Weeks 1-2), 3 x [email protected] 65%, 1 x [email protected] 70%, 2 x [email protected] 75%, 1 x [email protected] 80%, 4 x [email protected] 70%, 1 x [email protected] 75%, 2 x [email protected] 80%, 1 x [email protected] 90%. In the second week, you will follow the same style and you will be squatting every alternate day. Smolov Squat Program PDF. The Smolov program consists of four micro cycles: Weeks 1-2 (Introduction Cycle) Weeks 3-6 (Base Cycle) Weeks 7-8 (Switching Cycle) Weeks 9-13 (Intensity Cycle) Smolov Introduction Cycle. On set 7/8 you’ll find everything giving out, and you’ll always want a spotter just in case something goes wrong, which chances are: it will go wrong randomly. Some people like this, some people don’t. It was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline when he published it in a 2001 issue of Powerlifting USA.¹ When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. You can easily calculate your weight progressions in your upcoming workout sessions. This is why some have actually called it the "Russian Squat Program Smolov Programs. But as people say, “the way to heaven is through hell”; in a similar manner, at the end of those brutal 13 weeks, your 1 RM on squats would be increased by 50-100 pounds. The cycle of this routine systematically builds on itself and thereby prepares you for bigger and better gains. The Smolov program is a very intense powerlifting-based program developed by Sergey Smolov back in 2001. THIS WEBSITE IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS ANY ADVICE. Projected gains from Smolov range from 40-100 pounds depending on how advanced you are. So if you comply with these requirements and you are well prepared both mentally and physically to go through whatever it takes, we welcome you to this hell of a workout routine. It does not need to be excessively heavy. Phase In - Weeks 1 and 2 are spent prepping for the following weeks. The Smolov Bench Program is one of the best ways to make your bench go up- no matter how weak you are. Even if you only bench 135, you can get that up to 235 in months.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'vekhayn_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',119,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'vekhayn_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_12',119,'0','1'])); There is simply no way that if you follow this program down to the fine print you will fail it. I assure you- it’s not. This week tends to provide you with a decent amount of gains but once you are strong-willed enough to squat your ass off to complete the whole program, the gains you would be experiencing would be unparalleled. […]. While not recommended for general strength work, as articulated… I liked Smolov Jr, which is basically just the Base Mesocycle of the full Smolov program. It was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline when he published it in a 2001 issue of Powerlifting USA.¹ From there you can work your way up following the training protocol.● Eat, Eat and Eat. Does Smolov Squat Routine Work? The infamous Smolov program for squats and Smolov Jr for squat and/or bench press. A good and efficient workout routine is bound to get started with a proper warm-up. Do any web search and you’ll find thousands of people commenting about it. Hello guys! Simply click on the program you want (and navigate to its page), download the excel sheet near the top, enter your maxes, and track your results! Each week the same repetition scheme is repeated. The high-volume used in the Smolov program is certainly not recommended for deadlifting. For the next 6-8 weeks you will be benching 4 times a week. If you failed sets or so … Before we proceed to the renowned Smolov Squat Routine you must keep in mind that you have an above intermediate level lifting career. I’m telling you- maybe the first few days will go alright. A total of 4-5 rounds of this movement as a warm-up set will serve you pretty well. AS AN AFFILIATE OF VARIOUS SITES, INCLUDING AMAZON ASSOCIATES, I MAY EARN A COMMISSION ON QUALIFYING PURCHASES VIA LINKS IN THIS POST AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU. You must not go above 60% of your new 1RM. You will be working up progressing in heavy singles. There just won’t be a time you leave the gym where you won’t be growing muscle with this program. If you’re lean bulking, it just won’t cut it. So, just give it that- like seriously. From August to October of 2011, I did the Smolov squat routine for no reason other than I just wanted to. But try to find a friend that will do this program with you. Smolov Program and Smolov Jr Bench and Squat Program Spreadsheets. Also, practicing negative squats using a weight greater than your 1 RM can help in establishing a better mind-muscle connection. IT SHOULD ONLY BE TAKEN AS OPINION AND NOT BE FOLLOWED. Originally, it was designed as a program specifically for the squat and has been called the "holy grail" for increasing your strength in the squat. I’m again going to start by stating the obvious here, but this is a shorter version of the original Smolov Program. Smolov Jr. is a 4 day per week program that extends over a period of 3 weeks. All you need to do is to get the initial values entered and the workout will be personalized accordingly. And don’t go beyond 3 reps. You can choose box squatting in this phase. The tables below will populate with the weights for you to use throughout the program. At a high level, the program consists of the following: Phase In This initial two week phase is all about getting […] Mogwoggle on reddit put together a really nice spreadsheet that combines the Smolov Jr. and 5/3/1 into one program. And at the end you can attempt to smash your previous PR and set a new one; the thing you had always been waiting for. Base Cycle - Weeks 3,4, and 5 accumulate a ton of volume by squatting 4 times a week. This cycle prepares your lower body especially your quadriceps. This guide on the Smolov Squat Program will not only provide you a detailed description of the program but will also prepare you mentally and physically to go through it. No, your 6 hours of sleep every night just won’t cut it with this program.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'vekhayn_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',123,'0','0'])); In fact, if you’re able to do this program with all the accessories and not sleep 10 hours every night, you might be doing something wrong. During this phase you can choose to go with dynamic effort squatting. You can’t sit here and think “I don’t want to put on any fat noo! In that session you would make an approach to exceed your current PR. Don’t do this for like 8 months straight, I don’t think you’ll be able to move your arms anymore. If you are one of those who cannot squat 300 lbs with strict form, then we’re sorry. You NEED to be advanced at bodybuilding otherwise this program will eat you alive.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'vekhayn_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',157,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'vekhayn_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',157,'0','1'])); The Smolov Bench Program is best described as: pain and misery. Many of you might be thinking about adding up some accessory moves to make your workout routine more holistic in nature. No. As the name of this phase suggests, it will involve workout sessions of high intensity. The first two squat sessions will look like this. It can put on a ton of weight, just be ready to chase after it and get it everyday you’re in the gym! We are talking 60-100lb bench increases. If you're willing to build these lifts at any cost (e.g. A training program that is so demanding would not work for you if you eat like a classic physique competitor.● Stretch well at the end of every session. After three weeks of hard training using this method, I … 1 x [email protected] 65%, 1 x [email protected] 75%, 3 x [email protected] 85%, 1 x [email protected] 90%, 1 x [email protected] 60%, 1 x [email protected] 70%, 1 x [email protected] 80%, 1 x [email protected] 90%, 2 x [email protected] 85%, 1 x [email protected] 65%, 1 x [email protected] 70%, 5 x [email protected] 80%, 1 x [email protected] 60%, 1 x [email protected]%, 1 x [email protected] 80%, 1 x [email protected]%, 2 x [email protected] 90%, 1 x [email protected] 65%, 1 x [email protected] 75%, 1 x [email protected] 85%, 3 x [email protected] 90%, 1 x [email protected] 95%, 1 x [email protected] 65%, 1 x [email protected] 75%, 1 x [email protected] 85%, 4 x [email protected] 90%, 1 x [email protected] 60%, 1 x [email protected] 70%, 1 x [email protected] 80%, 5 x [email protected] 90%, 1 x [email protected] 60%, 1 x [email protected] 70%, 1 x [email protected] 80%, 2 x [email protected] 95%, 1 x [email protected] 65%, 1 x [email protected] 75%, 1 x [email protected] 85%, 4 x [email protected] 95%, 1 x [email protected] 70%, 1 x [email protected] 80%, 5 x [email protected] 90%, 1 x [email protected] 70%, 1 x [email protected] 80%, 4 x [email protected] 95%, 1 x [email protected] 75%, 1 x [email protected] 90%, 3 x [email protected] 80%. It is not recommended to use the Smolov training protocol to up your bench press strength. 4×[email protected] 70% + 20 pound increase as compared to week 3, 5×[email protected] 75% + 20 pound increase as compared to week 3. The Smolov Bench Program is betting that you’re going to put your body in overdrive for the next few weeks and FORCE it to grow. Talking specifically about this program, it is recommended to include a long pull in your warm-up. Your squatting form and technique must be absolutely perfect so that you can gain the maximum advantage from this routine. This program should really tire you out so much that you’ll WANT to sleep. Enter your one rep max and the week-to-week weight increment you plan on using during the base cycle. No matter what routine I tried, I kept plateauing at 80kg — until I found the Smolov Jr. program. If you follow this protocol, be sure to get surprised with a massive increase in your squatting numbers. “It just buried me,” said Straker, who has been doing CrossFit If you're willing to build these lifts at any cost (e.g. This program is relying on you maximizing your body’s growth by overeating. Vigilant is an author extremely dedicated to his blog. You must be having a firm foundation that you would have built with 5×5, 3×5 or even 5×1 lifting programs. increase my squat, and he introduced me to Smolov Junior. GZCL SpreadsheetsMadcow 5×5 ProgramKorte 3×3 ProgramRussian Squat ProgramEd Coan Deadlift ProgramnSuns 531 SpreadsheetsDaily Undulating Periodization (DUP) Program10 Wendler’s 5/3/1 Program Spreadsheets. If you’re benching 100 lbs, you can certainly see 100 lbs put on over the next few months with proper dieting and a mental toughness. Here’s a snapshot of the first week. Smolov Program You know that when a squat program is designed and named after a ‘Russian Master of Sports’ that it’s going to be seriously tough. To do this program you’re going to need to dirty bulk. In the tables below, all percentages are based off your 1 rep max (check out our smolov calculator or app to compute your weights). The remaining days will be subjected to stretching which will up your leg recovery. We hope you love our fitness programs and the products we recommend. Note: every powerlifting program and powerbuilding program below includes an excel spreadsheet and pdf that is free to download. OHP also shows up on deload week, in case you wanted to give it a go as well. The infamous Smolov program for squats and Smolov Jr for squat and/or bench press. Ah, yes. Even if you reduce it by 3-5 kg, it can serve you pretty well.). Since I am currently torturing my weak legs with this thing I thought that maybe some of …

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